Authors: Sa’d A Shannak Fouad H Jaber Bruce J Lesikar
Publish Date: 2014/07/02
Volume: 28, Issue: 12, Pages: 4219-4235
Urban stormwater runoff could have negative impacts on water resources and the environment Rainwater Harvesting RWH can serve both as a stormwater control and water conservation measure Cistern size and irrigation scheduling are two of the factors that directly impact the total runoff from a residential unit with a RWH system and the amount of potable water used for irrigation The effectiveness of RWH was evaluated for four soil types Sand Sandy Loam Loamy Sand and Silty Clay with a root zone of 152 cm using three irrigation scheduling methods Evapotranspiration ETbased soil moisturebased and timebased and five cistern sizes Total runoff volumes and total supplemental potable water used were compared among the three irrigation scheduling systems and a control treatment without RWH A model was developed to simulate the daily water balance for the treatments Irrigation and runoff volumes were compared for the various scenarios Silty clay soil resulted with 83 more runoff than Sandy soil while Sandy soil required on average 58 more supplemental water than Silty Clay soil On average the 833 L cistern resulted with 41 savings in water supply and 45 reduction in total runoff Results showed that the greatest volumes of runoff predicted were for the silty clay soil Control Treatment using a timebased irrigation scheduling method while the least volumes calculated were for the sandy loam soil timebased irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size The greatest volumes of total supplemental water predicted were for sandy loam soil Control Treatment while the least volumes were for silty clay soil ETbased irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size Regression equations were developed to allow for users to select a RWH cistern size based on the amount of water they want to save or runoff to reduce