Authors: Mahdi AsadiAghbolaghi Gholam Reza Rakhshandehroo
Publish Date: 2016/07/05
Volume: 30, Issue: 12, Pages: 4273-4291
In this study analytical and semianalytical solutions are derived to delineate capture zone of a pumping well near a stream where a leaky layer exists between the aquifer and the stream A groundwater regional flow is considered in the aquifer and allowed to have different angles with respect to the stream axis Three critical pumping rates are introduced At the first pumping rate capture zone boundary tangents the interface between the aquifer and the leaky layer called the inhomogeneity boundary At the second pumping rate capture zone boundary tangents the stream boundary and if the rate is increased a part of pumped water would be withdrawn from the stream The third pumping rate which may be smaller or larger than the other two is defined as the rate at which stream water begins to enter the leaky layer it may or may not be captured by the pumping well Four different capture zone configurations cases are analyzed for different values of pumping rates groundwater flow directions and leaky layer’s thickness and hydraulic conductivity The first three cases analyze hydraulic situations whereby capture zone does not reach the stream and hence no pumped water is withdrawn from the stream With the lowest pumping rate in the first case no stream water enters the leaky layer It enters the leaky layer but not the aquifer in the second and enters the leaky layer and the aquifer in the third case In the fourth case where capture zone boundary intersects the stream the fraction of pumped stream water to total pumped water is delineated