Authors: Heinz H Bauschke Caifang Wang Xianfu Wang Jia Xu
Publish Date: 2014/10/10
Volume: 165, Issue: 3, Pages: 901-916
The subgradient projection iteration is a classical method for solving a convex inequality Motivated by works of Polyak and of Crombez we present and analyze a more general method for finding a fixed point of a cutter provided that the fixed point set has nonempty interior Our assumptions on the parameters are more general than existing ones Various limiting examples and comparisons are providedThe authors thank two anonymous referees for careful reading constructive comments and for bringing additional references to our attention The authors also thank Jeffrey Pang for helpful discussions and for pointing out additional references HHB was partially supported by a Discovery Grant and an Accelerator Supplement of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NSERC and by the Canada Research Chair Program CW is partially supported by a Grant from Shanghai Municipal Commission for Science and Technology 13ZR1455500 XW is partially supported by a Discovery Grant of NSERC JX is partially supported by NSERC Grants of HHB and XW