Authors: Manon Raap Silja MeyerNieberg Stefan Pickl Martin Zsifkovits
Publish Date: 2016/09/26
Volume: 172, Issue: 3, Pages: 965-983
This paper presents a novel searchpath optimization method for moving target search by an aerial vehicle applicable to realistically sized search areas For such missions long endurance vehicles are needed which are usually fixedwinged The proposed method accounts for flight kinematics of fixedwing and rotarywing aerial vehicles It additionally accounts for movements of the target considerably increasing complexity of searchpath optimization compared to a static target The objective is to maximize the probability to detect a conditionally deterministic moving target within a given time period We propose a first Ksteplookahead planning method that takes flight kinematic constraints into account and in which the target and platform state space are heterogeneous It consists of a binary integer linear program that yields a physically feasible searchpath while maximizing the probability of detection It is based on the MaxKCoverage problem as it selects K waypoints while maximizing the probability that a target is within the field of view of a platform at one of these waypoints This Ksteplookahead planning method is embedded in an iterative framework where the probability of overlooking a target is fed back to the controller after observations are made Simulations show the applicability and effectiveness of this methodThis work is supported by Airbus Defence and Space Germany We are grateful to Airbus Defense and Space employees Kai Kostorz and Dr Axel Luthardt for their valuable feedback Moreover our gratitude goes to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments