Authors: Wilfried Grecksch Akhtar Khan Hannelore Lisei Christiane Tammer
Publish Date: 2015/11/05
Volume: 167, Issue: 3, Pages: 781-782
Variational methods are important tools for deriving optimality conditions and corresponding algorithms for solving optimization problems Ekeland’s variational principle is a deep assertion about the existence of an exact solution of a perturbed optimization problem in a neighborhood of an approximate solution of the original problem The aim of this special issue was to discuss new variational approaches from the theoretical as well as computational point of view Furthermore we are interested in applications of the variational methods for deterministic and stochastic models especially in approximation theory and optimal controlMost of the papers in the special issue are dealing with optimal control and state estimates problems in the deterministic as well as stochastic case and maximum principles Abdelmadjid Abba On Meanfield Partial Information Maximum Principle of Optimal Control for Stochastic Systems with Lévy Processes Vo Anh LeastSquares Estimation of Multifractional Random Fields in a HilbertValued Context Brigitte Breckner Multiple solutions of Dirichlet problems on the Sierpinski gasket Ioana Ciotir A variational approach to Neumann stochastic semilinear equations modelling the thermostatic control Csaba Varga Hannelore Lisei A multiplicity result for a class of elliptic problems on a compact Riemannian manifold Tina Engler On Investment Consumption Modeling with Jump Process Extensions for Productive Sectors Diana Keller Optimal Control of a Nonlinear Stochastic Schrödinger Equation Angela Kunow Optimal Exploitation of Nonrenewable Resources Boris S Mordukhovich Optimal control of semilinear unbounded evolution inclusions with functional constraint Bernt Øksendal Malliavin calculus and optimal control of stochastic Volterra equations Frank Wusterhausen An Analysis of Pathdependent OptionsRecent developments in Convex Analysis Variational Inequalities Vector and Setvalued Optimization are presented in the papers by Johannes Jahn Vectorization in Set Optimization Akhtar A Khan Existence Theorems for Elliptic and Evolutionary Variational and QuasiVariational Inequalities JuanEnrique Martinez Legaz Duality for closed convex functions and evenly convex functions and Vicente Novo Optimality conditions for quasi solutions of vector optimization problemsFurthermore optimization problems with uncertainties are discussed in the papers by Baasansuren Jadamba On the Modelling of Some Environmental Games with Uncertain Data and Elisabeth Koebis On Robust Optimization—Relations Between Scalar Robust Optimization and Unconstrained Multicriteria Optimization