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Nonferrous Metals Society of China

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Finite element analysis of stress corrosion cracki

Authors: WenWen Wang Ji Luo LeiChen Guo ZhiMeng Guo YanJing Su
Publish Date: 2015/05/16
Volume: 34, Issue: 6, Pages: 426-430
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Finite element analyses including a cohesive zone model CZM were conducted to investigate the role of corrosion product films CPFs in stress corrosion cracking SCC for copper in an ammoniacal solution It is found that a tensile CPFinduced stress generates near the interface between the CPF and the copper substrate at the substrate side in front of the notch tip for a Ushaped edgenotched specimens The CPFinduced stress is superimposed on the applied stress to enhance emission and motion of dislocations The peak opening stress S 11 increases with an increase in CPF thickness and a decrease in CPF Young’s modulus Damage mechanics based on the CZM was applied to study the stress corrosion crack initiation and propagation by analyzing the stress redistributions and load–displacement curves The results show that the crack initiates first in the CPF and then propagates to the copper substrate The fracture strain of the specimen covered a CPF is lower than that without a CPF Based on the simulation results the mechanism of the CPFinduced SCC which promoted the initiation and propagation of the stress corrosion cracks was discussed



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