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Abbravation: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Singular points of Hölder asymptotically optimally

Authors: Stephen Lewis
Publish Date: 2015/09/03
Volume: 54, Issue: 4, Pages: 3667-3713
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We consider the question of how the doubling characteristic of a measure determines the regularity of its support The question was considered by David et al Commun Pure Appl Math 54385–449 2001 for codimension 1 under a crucial assumption of flatness and later by Preiss et al Calc Var PDE’s 35339–363 2009 in higher codimension However these studies leave open the question of what can be said about the geometry of the support of such measures in a neighborhood about a nonflat point Here we answer the question for codimension1 Hölder doubling measures in mathbb R4 by constructing parametrizations in a neighborhood of a nonflat point by the Kowalski–Preiss cone These parametrizations extend to be C1beta diffeomorphisms on an open set Some of our parametrization techniques build on ideas from David et al Mem AMS 215 2012 Commun Pure Appl Math 54385–449 2001 Preiss et al Calc Var PDE’s 35339–363 2009 and Taylor Annals Math 103489–539 1976



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Asymptotic behavior at isolated singularities for solutions of nonlocal semilinear elliptic systems of inequalities
  2. Fractional Poincaré inequality with finite total Q -curvature
  3. Solitary waves for a class of quasilinear Schrödinger equations in dimension two
  4. Thick clusters for the radially symmetric nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  5. On elliptic systems with Sobolev critical growth
  6. Critical points for functionals with quasilinear singular Euler–Lagrange equations
  7. Duality for rectified cost functions
  8. An approach to minimization under a constraint: the added mass technique
  9. Single-point condensation phenomena for a four-dimensional biharmonic Ren–Wei problem
  10. Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of positive radial solutions of $$\mathbf {div\,{\varvec{(}}{\varvec{\rho }} \nabla u{\varvec{)}} +{\varvec{\rho }}{\varvec{(}}-gu+hu^p{\varvec{)}}=0}$$
  11. Second order estimates for Hessian type fully nonlinear elliptic equations on Riemannian manifolds
  12. Lower bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for some degenerate elliptic operators
  13. Sharp energy estimates for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations
  14. On Newton equations which are totally integrable at infinity
  15. Energy asymptotics for Type II superconductors
  16. Regularity for fully nonlinear nonlocal parabolic equations with rough kernels
  17. Weak KAM theory for a weakly coupled system of Hamilton–Jacobi equations
  18. Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes systems with moving contact lines
  19. A mean field type flow part I: compactness of solutions to a perturbed mean field type equation
  20. Boundary value problems for Willmore curves in $$\mathbb {R}^2$$
  21. Fractional eigenvalues
  22. On a quasilinear system involving the operator curl
  23. A Penrose inequality for graphs over Kottler space
  24. Moser–Trudinger inequalities of vector bundle over a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension 2

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