Authors: Shuangjie Peng Yanfang Peng ZhiQiang Wang
Publish Date: 2016/11/02
Volume: 55, Issue: 6, Pages: 142-
The authors are grateful to the referee’s thoughtful reading of details of the paper and valuable comments S Peng was partially supported by NSFC11571130 and the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University No IRT13006 ZQ Wang was partially supported by NSFC11271201In these cases htau has a unique zero point tau 00 such that htau 0forall tau in 0tau 0 htau 0forall tau in tau 0+infty Notice that f0=1 and ftau rightarrow 1 as tau rightarrow +infty we see that the graphs of htau gtau ftau are as follows