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Exploring the link between research and economic g

Authors: Ronald Ravinesh Kumar Peter Josef Stauvermann Arvind Patel
Publish Date: 2015/04/04
Volume: 50, Issue: 3, Pages: 1073-1091
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In this paper we explore the link between scientific and technical research and economic growth in China and USA over the sample period 1981–2012 using the extended Cobb–Douglas model with capital per worker and the quantity of scientific and technical journal articles research publications per worker We examine the cointegration relationship and present the shortrun and longrun results using the autoregressive distributed lag bounds procedure Further we examine the direction of causality between research publications per worker results and economic growth variables using the Toda and Yamamoto J Econom 661–2225–250 1995 procedure Our results indicate for both countries research publications per worker positively influence the output per worker both in the shortrun and the longrun The causality results for China indicate a bidirectional causality between research publications per worker and output per worker duly emphasizing the mutually reinforcing effect In case of USA we note a unidirectional causation output per worker to research publications per worker indicating that output Granger cause research publicationsThe authors sincerely thank the anonymous reviewer and the editor of Quality Quantity Professor Dr Vittorio Capecchi for their helpful comments and suggestions Peter J Stauvermann sincerely acknowledges and thanks the Faculty of Business Economics of the Changwon National University for the financial support in conducting the research All remaining errors are ours



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