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Abbravation: Arabian Journal of Geosciences

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Principal component and multivariate statistical a

Authors: M Sudheer Kumar Ratnakar Dhakate G Yadagiri K Srinivasa Reddy
Publish Date: 2017/02/15
Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Pages: 83-
PDF Link


In order to assess the impact of fluoriderich groundwater of Shasilair Vagu watershed on groundwater regime more than hundred groundwater samples for pre and postmonsoon seasons were collected from bore wells/dug wells and analyzed for major ions Water quality analysis of major ion chemistry shows elevated concentration of fluoride in groundwater samples The fluoride concentration ranges from 14 to 59 mg/l and 15 to 58 mg/l in pre and postmonsoons respectively The result clearly shows that the seasonal variation of fluoride in groundwater is due to recharge of rain water during monsoon The water quality data was analyzed by hydrochemical facies Piper diagram Gibbs plot and various plots Plots of Na versus Cl Ca versus SO4 and Na+ClSO4+HCO3 versus Na+KCl shows positive and negative values indicating that their source of high concentration are aquifer evapotranpiration and other anthropogenic sources Saturation index of halite and gypsum shows that all groundwater samples were undersaturated and suggests that carbonate minerals influence the concentration Using multivariate statistical techniques viz principal component factor analysis and cluster analysis the analysis brought out impact of intensity of excess use of fertilizers and excess withdrawal of groundwater regime Multivariate statistical techniques are potential tools and provide greater precision for identifying contaminant parameter linkages



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