Authors: Schmidt P D Tobiason J E Edzwald J K Dunn H
Publish Date: 1995/02/01
Volume: 31, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 103-111
P D Schmidt J E Tobiason J K Edzwald H Dunn DAF treatment of a reservoir water supply comparison with inline direct filtration and control of organic matter Water Sci Technol 1 February 1995 31 34 103–111 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19950521P D Schmidt J E Tobiason J K Edzwald H Dunn DAF treatment of a reservoir water supply comparison with inline direct filtration and control of organic matter Water Sci Technol 1 February 1995 31 34 103–111 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19950521The goal of this paper is to compare the performance of an inline direct filtration no flocculation process with a dissolved air flotation DAF and filtration process for drinking water treatment Both processes were studied at the pilot scale and included biologically active dual media GAC/sand rapid filters Specific attention is given to the fate of organic matter Organic matter was analyzed by measurements of dissolved organic carbon DOC assimilable organic carbon AOC disinfection byproduct formation potential DBPFP and ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm UV254 In general flotation removed a large fraction of organic matter with additional removal provided by biologically active filters Most of the work occurred with ozonation of the raw water preozone Ozone increased the biologically assimilable fraction of the water filtration decreased this fraction to acceptable levels Overall effects of ozone on other organics are relatively small