Authors: Mauret M Paul E PuechCostes E Maurette M T Baptiste P
Publish Date: 1996/07/01
Volume: 34, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 245-252
M Mauret E Paul E PuechCostes M T Maurette P Baptiste Application of experimental research methodology to the study of nitrification in mixed culture Water Sci Technol 1 July 1996 34 12 245–252 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19960378M Mauret E Paul E PuechCostes M T Maurette P Baptiste Application of experimental research methodology to the study of nitrification in mixed culture Water Sci Technol 1 July 1996 34 12 245–252 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19960378Nitrification is an aerobic process formed by two consecutive reactions nitritation and nitratation Using an experimental research methodology we have studied the specific effects and the possible interactions between initial ammonia concentration pH and temperature on these two reactions as well as on the experimental conditions leading to a nitrite buildupIn the experimental field studied 35 NNH4+O mgl−1 90 15 T°C 25 and 7 pH 85 the statistic interpretation of the results shows that only temperature and pH have a significant positive effect on ammonia removal Moreover the effect of these two parameters is linear As for nitrite accumulation the temperature effect is negligible and a strong interaction between NNH4O and pH is revealed When the values of these two variables are high nitratation is inhibited and 50 of the nitrogen introduced at the beginning accumulates temporarily in the form of nitrites