Authors: Blumenthal Ursula J Mara D Duncan Ayres Rachel M Cifuentes Enrique Peasey Anne Stott Rebecca Lee Donald L RuizPalacios Guillermo
Publish Date: 1996/05/01
Volume: 33, Issue: 10-11, Pages: 277-283
Ursula J Blumenthal D Duncan Mara Rachel M Ayres Enrique Cifuentes Anne Peasey Rebecca Stott Donald L Lee Guillermo RuizPalacios Evaluation of the WHO nematode egg guidelines for restricted and unrestricted irrigation Water Sci Technol 1 May 1996 33 1011 277–283 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19960685Ursula J Blumenthal D Duncan Mara Rachel M Ayres Enrique Cifuentes Anne Peasey Rebecca Stott Donald L Lee Guillermo RuizPalacios Evaluation of the WHO nematode egg guidelines for restricted and unrestricted irrigation Water Sci Technol 1 May 1996 33 1011 277–283 doi https//doiorg/102166/wst19960685Epidemiological studies were conducted in Mexico to assess the health risks associated with restricted crop irrigation using raw and treated wastewaters Experimental studies were done in northeast Brazil and Leeds in which Ascaris lumbricoides contamination of lettuces sprayirrigated with raw wastewater and waste stabilization pond effluents containing different helminthological qualities was determined Brazil and Ascaridia galli infection was monitored in immunosuppressed chickens fed lettuces sprayirrigated with water containing different A galli egg numbers Leeds The results indicate that the WHO guideline quality of ≤ 1 egg per litre protects crop consumers but not necessarily fieldworkers and their families especially children This is particularly the case when wastewater treatment systems are not stable when recontamination of the partially treated wastewater with small quantities of raw wastewater may occur and when wild vegetables are harvested and consumed In such cases a stricter guideline quality of ≤ 05 egg per litre may be required