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Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Patients

Authors: WeiJei Lee MingSen Wu ChiungNien Chen RayHuang Yuan JawTown Lin KingJen Chang
Publish Date: 1997/04/01
Volume: 132, Issue: 4, Pages: 430-433
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Subjects  Two study groups surgical group n=66 ie patients who received surgical treatment for their peptic ulcer disease and control group n=377 comprising 3 subgroups normal volunteers NV subgroup n= 136 and patients who required only medical treatment for duodenal ulcer DU subgroup n= 11919 or gastric ulcer GU subgroup n=122 from January 1 1994 to June 30 1995Results  Seropositivity was similar between the surgical group 606 and NV control subgroup 588 but it was highest in the DU control subgroup 874 P001 compared with NV control subgroup followed by GU control subgroup 762 P01 compared NV The patients with surgical peptic ulcer who had both seropositive and seronegative results for H pylori were similar for sex age social status ulcer history associated major medical problems use of nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs ulcer location type of surgery and ulceration recurrence rate Although patients who underwent elective surgery had a higher seroprevalence rate 889 than those requring emergency surgery 564 and patients who were seronegative for H pylori seemed to be associated with a higher major morbidity these results were not statistically significantConclusion  No significant association of H pylori infection and peptic ulcer was noted between patients who required surgical treatment compared with those who required only medical treatment H pylori played only a limited role in the cause of disease in surgical patients perhaps only in the cases complicated with stenosis or intractable ulcers This suggests that presently adequate acid reduction procedure will still be the main objective of surgical treatment and prevention of the ulcer recurrenceArch Surg 1997132430433



citation title=Laparoscopic omental patch repair for perforated peptic ulcer citation author=Matsuda M Nishiyama M Hanai T et alAnn Surg citation year=1995 citation volume=221 citation pages=236240

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