Authors: Emiliano Pegoraro Ana Rey Greg BarronGafford Russell Monson Yadvinder Malhi Ramesh Murthy
Publish Date: 2005/07/02
Volume: 146, Issue: 1, Pages: 120-129
Isoprene is the most abundant biogenic hydrocarbon released from vegetation and it plays a major role in tropospheric chemistry Because of its link to climate change there is interest in understanding the relationship between CO2 water availability and isoprene emission We explored the effect of atmospheric elevated CO2 concentration and its interaction with vapour pressure deficit VPD and water stress on gross isoprene production GIP and net ecosystem exchange of CO2 NEE in two Populus deltoides plantations grown at ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration in the Biosphere 2 Laboratory facility Although GIP and NEE showed a similar response to light and temperature their responses to CO2 and VPD were opposite NEE was stimulated by elevated CO2 and depressed by high VPD while GIP was inhibited by elevated CO2 and stimulated by high VPD The difference in response between isoprene production and photosynthesis was also evident during water stress GIP was stimulated in the short term and declined only when the stress was severe whereas NEE started to decrease from the beginning of the experiment This contrasting response led the carbon lost as isoprene in both the ambient and the elevated CO2 treatments to increase as water stress progressed Our results suggest that water limitation can override the inhibitory effect of elevated CO2 leading to increased global isoprene emissions in a climate change scenario with warmer and drier climateEmiliano Pegoraro was supported by a graduate student stipend from a program enhancement grant provided by the Office of the Executive Vice Provost Columbia University Dr Michael Crow and by Edward P Bass with equipment support from the Packard Foundation Dr Ana Rey is currently supported by a personal Fellowship granted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain Ramon y Cajal Programme The authors thank Professor Barry Osmond for advice in the course of the project and Jordi MartínezVilalta for advice on the statistical analysis We declare that the experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed