Journal Title
Title of Journal: Curr Gastroenterol Rep
Abbravation: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Authors: Yang K Chen
Publish Date: 2007/06/03
Volume: 9, Issue: 2, Pages: 136-143
Current imaging modalities do not allow for direct access to the pancreatic duct Because of this limitation diagnosis and assessment of pancreatic diseases require radiographic imaging and cytologic analysis Although many of these techniques have excellent specificity for the detection of pancreatic cancer they offer no therapeutic capabilities and are relatively poor in early detection of cancer and in differentiating chronic pancreatitis from malignancy particularly when the conditions coexist Currently available cholangioscopes are too large to access the pancreatic duct without sphincterotomy or balloon dilation increasing the risk of instrumentation trauma to the pancreas Novel dedicated pancreatoscopes have recently been developed and are under investigation in clinical trials Preliminary evidence suggests that these new technologies allow for direct visualization of the pancreatic ducts with the potential for forceps biopsy in suspected malignancy and endotherapy for pancreatic calculi Future and ongoing clinical trials will better define the utility and roles of these new endoscopy tools
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