Journal Title
Title of Journal: Curr Gastroenterol Rep
Abbravation: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Authors: Tanvir Haque Kevin G Greene Seth D Crockett
Publish Date: 2014/03/05
Volume: 16, Issue: 4, Pages: 380-
Colonoscopy offers incomplete protection from colorectal cancer particularly in the right colon Part of this inadequacy may be related to serrated neoplasia Serrated polyps of the colorectum are now understood to be a heterogeneous group of polyps some of which are cancer precursors such as the sessile serrated adenoma SSA and the traditional serrated adenoma TSA In contrast to conventional adenomas there is limited published literature on the epidemiology and natural history of these lesions Furthermore existing guidelines regarding screening and surveillance practices for these polyps are based largely on expert opinion without firm evidence In this review we describe the current understanding of the molecular biology histopathology and endoscopic features of serrated neoplasia of the colorectum with an emphasis on aspects relevant to the practicing gastroenterologist
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