Authors: ChunRon Chiang
Publish Date: 2008/06/19
Volume: 203, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 49-
Plane elasticity problems of a general anisotropic material subjected to both inplane and antiplane loadings are formulated based on Lekhnitskii’s complex variable approach Some useful solutions to halfplane problems and elliptical cavity problems are derived for cases involving antiplane loadings Asymptotical cracktip elastic fields are reviewed and comparisons are made for crack problems and slender elliptical cavity problems Specifically it is shown that the stress state at a rounded crack tip can be characterized by a stress rounding factor and the stress intensity factor of the associated slit crack An important conclusion is that for a fixed loading condition and a fixed shape of the cavity the influence of the shape of the cavity on the stress concentration factor can be separated from the influence of the material properties