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Springer Vienna

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On the simple and mixed firstorder theories for p

Authors: A M Zenkour M N M Allam M O Shaker A F Radwan
Publish Date: 2011/03/03
Volume: 220, Issue: 1-4, Pages: 33-46
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This article investigates the bending response of an orthotropic rectangular plate resting on twoparameter elastic foundations Analytical solutions for deflection and stresses are developed by means of the simple and mixed firstorder shear deformation plate theories The present mixed plate theory accounts for variable transverse shear stress distributions through the thickness and does not require a shear correction factor The governing equations that include the interaction between the plate and the foundations are obtained Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the behavior of the system The results are compared with those obtained in the literature using threedimensional elasticity theory or higherorder shear deformation plate theory to check the accuracy of the simple and mixed firstorder shear deformation theories



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