Authors: JianFei Lu Bin Xu JianHua Wang DongSheng Jeng
Publish Date: 2008/10/14
Volume: 207, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 29-49
The dynamic response of a single pile embedded in a layered poroelastic halfspace to an axial harmonic load is investigated in this study Based on Biot’s theory the frequency domain fundamental solution for a vertical circular patch load applied in a layered poroelastic halfspace is derived via the transmission and reflection matrices method Utilizing Muki and Sternberg’s method the second kind of Fredholm integral equations describing the dynamic interaction between the layered halfspace and the pile subjected to a harmonic axial load is constructed The proposed model is validated by comparing a special case of our model with an existing result Based on numerical results of this paper it is concluded that the presence of a stiffer or a softer middle layer in the layered halfspace will affect the impedance of the pile considerably and the inhomogeneity of the halfspace will enhance the pore pressure significantly