Authors: Nikos Gerolymos Amalia Giannakou Ioannis Anastasopoulos George Gazetas
Publish Date: 2008/09/16
Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 705-722
The behaviour under seismic loading of inclined piles embedded in two idealized soil profiles a homogeneous and a nonhomogenous “Gibson” soil is analysed with 3D finite elements Two structures modeled as singledegreeoffreedom oscillators are studied 1 a tall slender superstructure H st = 12 m whose crucial loading is the overturning moment and 2 a short structure H st = 1 m whose crucial loading is the shear force Three simple twopile group are studied a one comprising a vertical pile and a pile inclined at 25° b one consisting of two piles symmetrically inclined at 25° and c a group of two vertical piles The influence of key parameters is analysed and nondimensional diagrams are presented to illustrate the role of raked piles on pile and structure response It is shown that this role can be beneficial or detrimental depending on a number of factors including the slenderness of the superstructure and the type of piletocap connection