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Title of Journal: Bull Earthquake Eng

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Abbravation: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

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Springer Netherlands

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Seismic performance of masonry residential buildin

Authors: Luisa BassetSalom Arianna GuardiolaVíllora
Publish Date: 2013/12/01
Volume: 12, Issue: 5, Pages: 2027-2048
PDF Link


Lorca May 11 2011 earthquake whose magnitude and intensity reached Mw = 51 and I = VII caused heavy damages showing the vulnerability of masonry historic buildings and reinforced concrete improper designed structures The main objectives of this paper are to study the seismic response of unreinforced masonry residential building stock in Lorca historic centre and to compare it with the vulnerability and feasible collapse mechanisms predicted by the FaMIVE Method D’Ayala and Speranza in Proceedings of 12th European conference of earthquake engineering Elsevier Science Limited London 2002 Earthq Spectra 193479–509 2003 which has been proved to be accurate in the description and prediction of damages in this type of structures For this purpose three onsite surveys were carried out in May June and December 2011 on a sample of the masonry residential buildings in Lorca historic centre area included in the Special Protection and Rehabilitation Plan of the Historic and Artistic Site of Lorca Information regarding geometry quality of materials structure and construction characteristics was collected establishing the observed collapse mechanisms and evaluating rigorously damage and crack patterns Google Street View was used for the analysis of the state of the buildings before the earthquake These buildings were then assessed and mapped using a GIS system Results provided good accordance with the observed data showing at the same time very different building seismic performance Effective connections between façades and party walls a good maintenance level of masonry and roofs and the use of specific reinforcement elements have proved to be relevant factors in lowering the vulnerability and improving the seismic behaviour of unreinforced masonry structures in Lorca historic centreThanks are due to Dr Ing Dina D’Ayala University College London for providing the numerical procedure to assess the seismic vulnerability of masonry dwelling FaMIVE and to her research assistant Ing Viviana Novelli for her willingness in solving our questions To both for their availability and support The authors wish to thank people from Lorca city centre for their help during the onsite surveys despite the difficult times they were going through The Cartography and cadastral data have been obtained from the Cadastral Electronic Site maintained by the General Directorate of Cadastre Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance Finally the authors thank A Thompson for the revision of the English version of the paperand the anonymous reviewers for their remarks and revisions which have helped improving the paper and making it easier to understand



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