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Title of Journal: Bull Earthquake Eng

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Abbravation: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

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Springer Netherlands

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Accounting for enduser preferences in earthquake

Authors: Thomas Le Guenan Farid Smai Annick Loschetter Samuel Auclair Daniel Monfort Nicolas Taillefer John Douglas
Publish Date: 2015/08/08
Volume: 14, Issue: 1, Pages: 297-319
PDF Link


Earthquake early warning systems EEWSs that rapidly trigger riskreduction actions after a potentiallydamaging earthquake is detected are an attractive tool to reduce seismic losses One brake on their implementation in practice is the difficulty in setting the threshold required to trigger predefined actions set the level too high and the action is not triggered before potentiallydamaging shaking occurs and set the level too low and the action is triggered too readily Balancing these conflicting requirements of an EEWS requires a consideration of the preferences of its potential end users In this article a framework to define these preferences as part of a participatory decision making procedure is presented An aspect of this framework is illustrated for a hypothetical toll bridge in a seismicallyactive region where the bridge owners wish to balance the risk to people crossing the bridge with the loss of toll revenue and additional travel costs in case of bridge closure Multiattribute utility theory MAUT is used to constrain the trigger threshold for four owners with different preferences We find that MAUT is an appealing and transparent way of aiding the potentially controversial decision of what level of risk to accept in EEWThis study was supported by REAKT Strategies and tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion a Framework 7 project funded by the European Commission ENV20111311 We thank Gordon Woo for discussions on decision making We thank two anonymous reviewers for their extensive and detailed comments on an earlier version of this article



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