Authors: Joo Hyun Park SangBeom Lee Henri R Gaye
Publish Date: 2008/11/11
Volume: 39, Issue: 6, Pages: 853-861
The equilibration between CaOSiO2MgOAl2O3CaF2 TiO2 slag and Fe11 mass pct Cr ferritic stainless steel melts was investigated at 1873 K in order to clarify the effect of Al and Ti addition as well as that of slag composition on the formation of complex oxide inclusions The activity of oxygen calculated from the classical Wagner formalism changes from about a O = 00002 to 0001 and the values of a O from Al/Al2O3 and that from Si/SiO2 equilibria are in relatively good agreement with each other with some scatters The phase stability diagram of the inclusions and the equilibrium isoO lines in the Fe11 mass pct Cr05 mass pct Si03 mass pct Mn00005 mass pct Mg steel melts was constructed by using FACTSAGE 55 program as a function of Al and Ti contents The computed isoO lines were slightly larger than the values estimated from the slagmetal equilibria The composition of the inclusions could be plotted on the computed MgOAl2O3TiO x phase diagram The inclusions in the steel melts equilibrated with the basic slags are located in the “spinel + liquid” region while those in equilibrium with the less basic slags are mostly in the “liquid” single phase This is in good accordance to the observed morphology of the inclusions However in cases of high concentration of Ti and Al the inclusions were found to be spinel + liquid even though the less basic slags are equilibrated When plotted on logarithmic scales the mole ratio left X textMgO times X textAl text2 textO text3 mathordleft/ vphantom X textMgO times X textAl text2 textO text3 X textTi text2 textO text3 right kernnulldelimiterspace X textTi text2 textO text3 right of the inclusions spinel potential was expressed as a linear function of leftlfloor a textMg times a2 textAl times a textO mathordleft/ vphantom a textMg times a2 textAl times a textO a2 textTi right kernnulldelimiterspace a2 textTi rightrfloor of the steel melts with a slope of unity theoretically expected Also the spinel potential is very low and nearly constant when the activity of Al2O3 is less than that of TiO2 in the slag saturated by MgO whereas it linearly increases by increasing the log left a textAl text2 textO text3 mathordleft/ vphantom a textAl text2 textO text3 a textTiO text2 right kernnulldelimiterspace a textTiO text2 right at left X textAl text2 textO text3 mathordleft/ vphantom X textAl text2 textO text3 X textTiO text2 right kernnulldelimiterspace X textTiO text2 right 1