Authors: Mark F Smith
Publish Date: 2008/04/08
Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Pages: 135-141
The role of rubidium82 Rb82 positron emission tomography PET in the evaluation and care of patients with suspected coronary artery disease is evolving in conjunction with advances in PET instrumentation data analysis and clinical research Instrumentation developments such as threedimensional acquisition new scintillator materials and xray CT help to improve the quality of Rb82 images New approaches to kinetic modeling and software tools for analysis of clinical Rb82 studies are being developed and evaluated enabling quantification of absolute myocardial blood flow and flow reserve Recent clinical research studies are providing new insights into the value of Rb82 cardiac imaging compared with single photon emission CT myocardial perfusion imaging Integrated xray CT angiography and Rb82 PET perfusion imaging on hybrid PET/CT systems is an exciting new prospect Complementary anatomical and functional information on atherosclerosis and ischemia can be provided in a single imaging session for better diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with coronary artery disease