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Transparency and political moral hazard

Authors: M Kadir Dogan
Publish Date: 2009/08/14
Volume: 142, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 215-
PDF Link


This paper analyzes the effects of asymmetric information on the public control of politicians in a world where the politicians’ preelection promises are not credible We study a model with identical politicians and a representative voter whose interests conflict with those of the politicians’ The voter’s decision to reelect the politician depends on both observable policies of the politician and the outcome of the unobservable policies In equilibrium either optimal decisions for the voter are not taken by the politician or if taken the politician would extract more rent In the latter case politicians are also replaced more frequently



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Other Papers In This Journal:

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  3. Politics, unemployment, and the enforcement of immigration law
  4. Political biases despite external expert participation? An empirical analysis of tax revenue forecasts in Germany
  5. Intra-industry trade and protectionism: the case of the buy national policy
  6. Political pressure deflection
  7. Coups d’état and defense spending: a counterfactual analysis
  8. Betty Tillman: a remembrance
  9. Full agreement and the provision of threshold public goods
  10. Editorial announcement
  11. Corruption is bad for growth (even in the United States)
  12. Representation, neighboring districts, and party loyalty in the U.S. Congress
  13. The politicization of UNESCO World Heritage decision making
  14. Public choice theory and antitrust policy
  15. The importance of modeling spatial spillovers in public choice analysis
  16. An explanation of the continuing federal government mandate of single-member congressional districts
  17. Bargaining unexplained
  18. Referendum design, quorum rules and turnout
  19. Thinking about order without thought: the lifetime contributions of Gordon Tullock
  20. Outsourcing in contests
  21. Justifying the Lindahl solution as an outcome of fair cooperation
  22. Economic integration and the relationship between profit and wage taxes
  23. Massimo Florio, Applied welfare economics : cost–benefit analysis of projects and policies
  24. Hold your nose and vote: corruption and public decisions in a representative democracy
  25. Conflict, democracy and voter choice: a public choice analysis of the Athenian ostracism
  26. Virtual world order: the economics and organizations of virtual pirates
  27. The impact of globalization on the composition of government expenditures: Evidence from panel data

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