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Supergravity and Mtheory

Authors: Bernard de Wit Maaike van Zalk
Publish Date: 2009/02/10
Volume: 41, Issue: 4, Pages: 757-784
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Supergravity provides the effective field theories for string compactifications The deformation of the maximal supergravities by nonabelian gauge interactions is only possible for a restricted class of charges Generically these ‘gaugings’ involve a hierarchy of pform fields which belong to specific representations of the duality group The grouptheoretical structure of this pform hierarchy exhibits many interesting features In the case of maximal supergravity the class of allowed deformations has intriguing connections with M/string theoryWe include two recent papers on the pform hierarchy in four spacetime dimensions The first one relates a modification of the representation constraint 418 to anomaly cancellation 37 The second one considers the extension of the hierarchy with 3 and 4form fields and is directly related to the material presented in Section 4 38We are grateful to Hermann Nicolai and H Samtleben for discussions The work of MvZ is part of the research program of the ‘Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie FOM’ which is financially supported by the ‘Nederlandse Organisatie voorWetenschappelijk Onderzoek NWO’ This work is also supported by NWO grant 047017015This article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team



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  10. Absolute stability limit for relativistic charged spheres
  11. Absolute stability limit for relativistic charged spheres
  12. Point massive particle in General Relativity
  13. Viscoresistive MHD configurations of plasma in accretion disks
  14. The conservation of energy–momentum and the mass for the graviton
  15. Entropy of black-branes system and T-duality
  16. Magnetic strings in f ( R ) gravity
  17. Editorial note to: Wolfgang Kundt and Manfred Trümper, Contributions to the theory of gravitational radiation fields. Exact solutions of the field equations of the general theory of relativity V
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  23. Entropy and anisotropy
  24. Numerical solutions to the cosmological 3-fluid problem
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  26. Observables in a noncommutative approach to the unification of quanta and gravity: a finite model
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