Authors: Alejandro Aviles Norman Cruz Jaime Klapp Orlando Luongo
Publish Date: 2015/05/05
Volume: 47, Issue: 5, Pages: 63-
We investigate the thermodynamics of general fluids that have the constriction that their pressure is constant We first consider the more general thermodynamic properties of this class of fluids finding the important result that for them adiabatic and isothermal processes should coincide We therefore study their behaviors in curved spacetimes where local thermal equilibrium can be appealed Thus we show that this dark fluid degenerates with the dark sector of the Lambda CDM model only in the case of adiabatic evolution We demonstrate that adding dissipative processes a phantom behavior can occur and finally we further highlight that an arbitrary decomposition of the dark sector into ad hoc dark matter and dark energy terms may give rise to phantom dark energy whereas the whole dark sector remains nonphantomA A and O L want to thank prof S Capozziello and G Carmona for useful discussions A A acknowledges the hospitality of the Departamento de Física Universidad de Santiago de Chile where part of this work was done A A and J K are financially supported by the project CONACyTEDOMEX2011C01165873 ABACUSCINVESTAV N C acknowledges the support to this research by CONICYT through Grant Nos 1140238 O L is financially supported by the European PONa3 00038F1 KM3NeT INFN Project