Authors: Giovanni Marozzi JeanPhilippe Uzan Obinna Umeh Chris Clarkson
Publish Date: 2015/09/05
Volume: 47, Issue: 10, Pages: 114-
We consider the entropy associated with the largescale structure of the Universe in the linear regime where the Universe can be described by a perturbed Friedmann–Lemaître spacetime In particular we compare two different definitions proposed in the literature for the entropy using a spatial averaging prescription For one definition the entropy of the largescale structure for a given comoving volume always grows with time both for a CDM and a Lambda CDM model In particular while it diverges for a CDM model it saturates to a constant value in the presence of a cosmological constant The use of a lightcone averaging prescription in the context of the evaluation of the entropy is also discussedWe wish to thank Julien Larena for useful discussions GM was partially supported by the Marie Curie IEF Project NeBRiC “Nonlinear effects and backreaction in classical and quantum cosmology” The work of JPU made in the ILP LABEX under reference ANR10LABX63 was supported by French state funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d’Avenir programme under reference ANR11IDEX000402 and by the ANR VACOUL ANR10BLAN0510 OU is supported by the South African Square Kilometre Array SKA project and CC is supported by the South African National Research Foundation NRF