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A WeylDirac cosmological model with DM and DE

Authors: Mark Israelit
Publish Date: 2010/10/06
Volume: 43, Issue: 3, Pages: 751-775
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In the WeylDirac WD framework a spatially closed cosmological model is considered It is assumed that the spacetime of the universe has a chaotic Weylian microstructure but is described on a large scale by Riemannian geometry Locally fields of the Weyl connection vector act as creators of massive bosons having spin 1 It is suggested that these bosons called weylons provide most of the dark matter in the universe At the beginning the universe is a spherically symmetric geometric entity without matter Primary matter is created by Dirac’s gauge function very close to the beginning In the early epoch when the temperature of the universe achieves its maximum chaotically oriented Weyl vector fields being localized in microcells create weylons In the dust dominated period Dirac’s gauge function is giving rise to dark energy the latter causing the cosmic acceleration at present This oscillatory universe has an initial radius identical to the Plank length = 1616 exp −33 cm at present the cosmic scale factor is 321 exp 28 cm while its maximum value is 854 exp 28 cm All forms of matter are created by geometrically based functions of the WD theory



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  13. The conservation of energy–momentum and the mass for the graviton
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  15. Magnetic strings in f ( R ) gravity
  16. Editorial note to: Wolfgang Kundt and Manfred Trümper, Contributions to the theory of gravitational radiation fields. Exact solutions of the field equations of the general theory of relativity V
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  19. Slowly rotating charged fluid balls in the presence of a cosmological constant
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  26. Analytical time-like geodesics in Schwarzschild space-time
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  28. Cosmological constraints on dark energy
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  31. Spin-geodesic deviations in the Schwarzschild spacetime
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