Authors: Judit BarIlan
Publish Date: 2010/01/12
Volume: 83, Issue: 3, Pages: 809-824
In September 2008 Thomson Reuters added to the ISI Web of Science WOS the Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes for Science and for the Social Sciences and Humanities This paper examines how this change affects the publication and citation counts of highly cited computer scientists Computer science is a field where proceedings are a major publication venue The results show that most of the highly cited publications of the sampled researchers are journal publications but these highly cited items receive more than 40 of their citations from proceedings papers The paper also discusses issues related to doublecounting ie when a given work is published both in a proceedings and later on as a journal paperThis work was first published as a proceedings paper in the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics This is an updated and extended version a new expression of that work Errors in the citation and publication counts of the researchers in the sample were corrected The list of references is identical in both versions except for the reference Wilson 1968 which has been suggested by Howard White