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Springer Netherlands

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Scientific linkage and technological innovation ca

Authors: Xia Fan Wenjie Liu Guilong Zhu
Publish Date: 2017/02/10
Volume: 111, Issue: 1, Pages: 117-138
PDF Link


From the perspective of sciencebased innovation this study introduces measures of both scientific linkage technologyscience correlation index and technological innovation capabilities relative growth rate relative patent position and revealed technological advantage to compare and analyze the international competitiveness of solar energy technologies among the United States the European Union Japan China and South Korea based on the solar energy technologiesrelated patents in the European Patent Office Worldwide Patent Statistical Database After making international comparisons of their technological development and innovation paradigm we find that there are different innovation characteristics of various technology fields within the solar energy industry and then propose some relevant policy recommendations for latecomers to implement catchup strategies The results show that the leading countries and regions of the solar energy industry such as the United States and the European Union focus mainly on sciencebased innovation while Japan and latecomers like China and South Korea pay more attention on technologybased innovation In addition those two fields within the solar energy industry present opposite innovation characteristics solar photovoltaic technologies especially thin film and organic cells present strong technological innovation capabilities with high scientific linkage while solar thermal technologies show strong technological innovation capabilities with low scientific linkageThe study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant 71473086 71233003 and Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Ministry of education Grant 12JZD042 The authors are very grateful for the valuable comments and suggestions from the Reviewers and Editors of the journal which significantly improved the quality and readability of the paperF24 J 2/00 F24 J 2/02 F24 J 2/04 F24 J 2/05 F24 J 2/06 F24 J 2/07 F24 J 2/08 F24 J 2/10 F24 J 2/12 F24 J 2/13 F24 J 2/14 F24 J 2/15 F24 J 2/16 F24 J 2/18 F24 J 2/23 F24 J 2/24 F24 J 2/36 F24 J 2/38 F24 J 2/42 F24 J 2/46 F03G 6/06 G02B 5/10 H01L 31/052 E04D 13/18 H01L 31/04 H01L 31/042 H01L 31/18 E04D 1/30 G02F 1/136 G05F 1/67 H01L 25/00 H01L 31/00 H01L 31/048 H01L 33/00 H02 J 7/35 H02 N 6/00



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