Authors: Jiping Gao Kun Ding Li Teng Jie Pang
Publish Date: 2012/03/02
Volume: 93, Issue: 2, Pages: 459-471
The paper presents a methodology called hybrid documents cocitation analysis for studying the interaction between science and technology in technology diffusion Our approach rests mostly on patent citation cluster analysis and network analysis More specifically with the patents citing Smalley RE in Derwent innovations index as the data sets the paper implemented hybrid documents cocitation network through two procedures Then spectrum cluster algorithm was used to reveal the knowledge structure in technology diffusion After that with the concordance between network properties and technology diffusion mechanisms three indicators containing degree betweenness and citation halflife were calculated to discuss the basic documents in the pivotal position during the technology diffusion At last the paper summarized the hybrid documents cocitation analysis in practise thus concluded that science and technology undertook different functions and acted dominatingly in the different period of technology diffusion though they were coactivity all the timeThis paper was initiated at the 13th ISSI Conference Duban South Africa The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments And the authors also like to acknowledge the financial support from the National Social Science Foundation of China Project No08BTQ025 and Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education SRFDP 20110041110034