Authors: Saikrishna Degala Sujith Kumar Shetty Lakshith Biddappa
Publish Date: 2012/10/26
Volume: 12, Issue: 4, Pages: 418-423
The management of orbital injuries is one of the most interesting and difficult areas in facial trauma The improper reconstruction of the orbit frequently results in ophthalmic complications Though a number of materials are available for use in orbital wall reconstruction at present titanium mesh could be considered to be the ideal orbital floor repair materialThe study involved patients with symptomatic zygomaticoorbital fractures requiring orbital wall reconstruction Under general anaesthesia the floor of orbit was explored and reconstructed with contoured titanium mesh after repositioning of the entrapped orbital contents The patients were on periodic followup for 6 weeks where clinical and radiographic data were recordedTen male patients age ranging from 22 to 53 years mean 2988 years received titanium implants for impure orbital fractures eight patients and pure orbital floor fractures two patients The main cause of fractures was road traffic accidents They also complained of enophthalmos n = 7 diplopia n = 4 infraorbital nerve paresthesia n = 6 dystopia n = 1 and epiphora n = 2 No implant extrusion or infection was seen The symptoms were corrected in six patients with enophthalmos three with diplopia four with infraorbital nerve paresthesia and all patients with epiphora Dystopia persisted postsurgically in one patient