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Periotome as an Aid to Atraumatic Extraction A Co

Authors: Sneha D Sharma B Vidya Mohan Alexander Sunny Deshmukh
Publish Date: 2014/11/08
Volume: 14, Issue: 3, Pages: 611-615
PDF Link


A double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of 100 patients requiring nonsurgical single rooted tooth extractions was performed The subjects were randomized into the experimental group underwent extractions with periotome and conventional extraction forceps or into the control group subjects underwent extractions using periosteal elevator and conventional extraction forceps Pain was assessed using visual analogue scale all throughout 7 days postoperatively Gingival laceration duration of surgery number and frequency of analgesics consumed and complications if present were also notedOn intergroup comparison all the parameters were statistically significant in control group p  005 Also on pre and postoperative intergroup comparison statistically significant pain reduction was noted in experimental group 528  whereas pain increased in control group 65 



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Clinical Evaluation of Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in Bone Healing
  2. Cyanoacrylate: A Handy Tissue Glue in Maxillofacial Surgery: Our Experience in Alexandria, Egypt
  3. A Rare Case of Multiloculated Cervical Thymic Cyst Masquerading as Tuberculous Adenitis
  4. Comparison of circummandibular wiring with resorbable bone plates in pediatric mandibular fractures
  5. Oral myiasis: a rare entity
  6. Use of T.M.J. Disc as a Soft Tissue Interpositional Graft Material for Functional Rehabilitation of Ankylosed T.M. Joint
  7. Metastatic Carcinoma of Gingiva Mimicking Pyogenic Granuloma
  8. Periotome as an Aid to Atraumatic Extraction: A Comparative Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
  9. A Case of Amniotic Band Syndrome with Cleft Lip and Palate
  10. Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Fractures with Autogenous Bone Graft Application from Anterior Wall of Maxillary Sinus: A Retrospective Study
  11. Huge Plunging Ranula
  12. Subcutaneous Emphysema
  13. An Unusual Observation During Neck Dissection
  14. Self-Regeneration of the Mandible Following Hemimandibulectomy for Ameloblastoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature
  15. Reconstruction of Post-traumatic Internal Orbital Wall Defects with Titanium Mesh
  16. Internal Derangement of Temporomandibular Joint: An Evaluation of Effect of Corticosteroid Injection Compared with Injection of Sodium Hyaluronate after Arthrocentesis
  17. Kapetansky-Juri Technique to Correct the Whistlers Lip in the Multiple Operated Cleft Patient
  18. Massive osteolysis of hemimandible: a case report
  19. Potentially Fatal Supramylohyoid Sublingual Epidermoid Cyst
  20. Standards of Facial Esthetics: An Anthropometric Study
  21. Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws and Its Array of Manifestations
  22. Intra-oral Plastic Pressure Dressing: A Technical Note
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  24. A Rare Case Report of Mucinous Cystadenoma with Immunohistochemical Analysis and Review of Literature
  25. Efficacy of Transcaruncular approach to reconstruct isolated medial orbital fracture

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