Authors: Kailas T Gawai C R Sobhana
Publish Date: 2014/01/09
Volume: 14, Issue: 1, Pages: 67-80
Tooth extraction is performed for a wide variety of reasons as we know Several techniques aiming at enhancing the regeneration process in the extraction socket have been adopted such as filling the socket with autogenous bone grafts or bone substitutes We know platelets play a central role in hemostasis and healing processes but relative contradictory effect of platelet in bone regenerating capacity have been published in different in vitro and in vivo studiesTo explore this we used plateletrich plasma PRP autogenous alone in empty extraction socket of bilateral impacted mandibular third molars For that we selected five patients having bilateral impacted teeth Out of two sockets one was used as intervention by filling with PRP and the other was allowed to heal without PRP All patients were followed for clinical and radiological evaluation by using digital OPG view after 1 week 1 2 and 4 months periodPRP enhanced the osteogenic response in initial bone healing at 1 month duration but there was no added benefit in late bone healing at 4 months period compared in both intervention and control groups However PRP significantly improved the soft tissue healing in PRP treated sites compared to control groupI would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this study I express my sincere gratitude to Dr CR Sobhana MDS MDS MOSRCS EDINBURGH UK Professor and Head Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for guiding me to carry out this study as a my post graduate guide and also thanks to other teaching staff in the department Dr K C Usha Professor and Head Dept of Transfusion Medicine Govt Medical College Thiruvananthapuram for her immense help and guidance in this study Dr V T Beena Prof and Head Dept of Oral Pathology and also Lab assistant staff for their timetotime help in preparation of PRP and analyzing platelet value for my study Dr Shrinivas for his help with the statistical analyses Above all my sincere and thankful prayers to the Almighty who guides me always to the right path in my life