Authors: V V Trubachev A V Gorbunov V S Trubacheva M S Nemtseva M S Ogorodnikova
Publish Date: 2015/08/23
Volume: 45, Issue: 7, Pages: 743-749
Studies of 29 21yearold male and female subjects addressed the plasticity of slow modulation of heart rate during paced respiration at 4–10 cycles/min using traces of duration 160 and 90 sec The results demonstrated that the power spectra of subjects’ RR intervals were dominated by the harmonic corresponding to the respiratory rhythm in either the highfrequency HF or lowfrequency LF parts of the cardiointervalogram spectrum which was maximal at a respiratory rate of 006–008 Hz in 160sec traces Increases in the power of peaks in lowfrequency spectra were linear and coincided with stepwise decreases in respiratory rate This frequencydependent modulation of RR intervals over a wide range of respiratory rhythms is evidence for signifi cant cardiorespiratory plasticity underlying cognitiveautonomic processing voluntary control