Authors: Ernesto Jiménez Sergio Arévalo Jian Tang
Publish Date: 2015/08/25
Volume: 71, Issue: 11, Pages: 4172-4191
The broadcast service spreads a message m among all processes of a distributed system such that each process eventually delivers m A basic broadcast service does not impose any delivery guarantee in a system with failures Faulttolerant broadcast is a fundamental problem in distributed systems that adds certainty in the delivery of messages when crashes can happen in the system Traditionally the faulttolerant broadcast service has been studied in classical distributed systems when each process has a unique identity However very recently have appeared new distributed systems such as sensor networks where unique identity is not always possible to be included in each sensor node due to small storage capacity reduced computational power a huge number of elements to be identified etc In this paper we study the definition and implementability of the faulttolerant broadcast service in anonymous asynchronous systems that is in asynchronous systems where all processes have the same identity and hence they are indistinguishable they may have the same codeThis work has been partially funded by PROMETEO ProjectSENESCYT Ecuador the Spanish Research Council MICCIN under project BigDataPaaS TIN201346883 and by the Regional Government of Madrid CM under project Cloud4BigData S2013/ICE2894 cofunded by FSE FEDER