Authors: Anjana Sarkar Eduardo GraciaEspino Thomas Wågberg Andrey Shchukarev Melinda Mohl AnneRiikka Rautio Olli Pitkänen Tiva Sharifi Krisztian Kordas JyriPekka Mikkola
Publish Date: 2016/05/04
Volume: 9, Issue: 7, Pages: 1956-1968
Nanosized metal Pt or Pddecorated TiO2 nanofibers NFs were synthesized by a wet impregnation method CdSe quantum dots QDs were then anchored onto the metaldecorated TiO2 NFs The photocatalytic performance of these catalysts was tested for activation and reduction of CO2 under UVB light Gas chromatographic analysis indicated the formation of methanol formic acid and methyl formate as the primary products In the absence of CdSe QDs Pddecorated TiO2 NFs were found to exhibit enhanced performance compared to Ptdecorated TiO2 NFs for methanol production However in the presence of CdSe Ptdecorated TiO2 NFs exhibited higher selectivity for methanol typically producing ∼90 ppmg−1·h−1 methanol The CO2 photoreduction mechanism is proposed to take place via a hydrogenation pathway from first principles calculations which complement the experimental observations