Authors: A I Potekaev S B Kislitsyn V V Uglov A A Klopotov I D Gorlachev V D Klopotov L S Grinkevich
Publish Date: 2016/05/07
Volume: 59, Issue: 1, Pages: 99-108
The data on the influence of irradiation of Ti CrN1–x coatings by helium and argon ions on their surface structure are presented The Ti CrN1–x coatings 50–300 nm in thickness were formed on carbon steel substrates by vacuumarc deposition Irradiation of the coated specimens was performed in a DC60 heavyion accelerator by lowenergy 4He+1 4He+2 and 40Ar5+ ions and highenergy 40Ar5+ ions up to the fluence 10·1017 ion/cm2 at the irradiation temperature not higher than 150°С It is shown that irradiation of the Ti CrN1–x coating surface by 4He+1 4He+2 and 40Ar5+ ions with the energy 20 keV/charge does not give rise to any noticeable structural changes nor any surface blistering while its irradiation by 40Ar5+ ions with the energy 150 MeV/amu causes blistering