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Drying of shiitake mushrooms in a vacuum dryer and

Authors: Zdravko Šumić Aleksandra Tepić Senka Vidović Jelena Vladić Branimir Pavlić
Publish Date: 2016/03/03
Volume: 10, Issue: 3, Pages: 425-433
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Optimization of shiitake mushroom vacuum drying process was the objective of this research In order to produce dried sample with satisfactory shelf life response surface methodology was used Vacuum drying used to accomplish the task was previously described by the authors The samples were dried at 46–74 °C and 20–580 mbar As quality indicators of dried product total solids water activity total phenolics IC50 and total color change were used Response surface methodology resulted in optimal conditions of 571 °C and 100 mbar In order to verify predictions and adequacy of the secondorder polynomial models separate validation experiments were conducted at optimum conditions The predicted amount of total solids was 8540  while aw value was 0615The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development Republic of Serbia for financial support Project No TR31044 Installation and development of the drying device were performed in cooperation with “Kovačević inženjering” DOO Banatski Karlovac Serbia



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  4. Pork adulteration in commercial meatballs determined by chemometric analysis of NIR Spectra
  5. Engineering and functional properties of four varieties of pulses and their correlative study
  6. Characterization of sodium mobility, binding, and apparent viscosity in full-fat and reduced-fat model emulsion systems
  7. Functionalized polyurethane applied for foodborne pathogen detection
  8. Rheological modeling of non-depectinized beetroot juice concentrates
  9. Non-destructive analysis of caviar compositions using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technique
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  11. Effects of fermentation on antioxidant properties of flours of a normal endosperm and quality protein maize varrieties
  12. Concentrations and health hazards of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in selected commercial brands of milk
  13. Physico-chemical, antioxidant and bioactive changes in cortex core sections of carrot ( Daucus carota var. Pusa rudhira)
  14. Analysis of volatile compounds in New Zealand unifloral honeys by SPME–GC–MS and chemometric-based classification of floral source
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