Journal Title
Title of Journal: Arch Ophthalmol
Abbravation: Archives of Ophthalmology
American Medical Association
Authors: Frank G Holz Kevin Evans Cheryl Y Gregory Shomi Bhattacharya Alan C Bird
Publish Date: 1995/02/01
Volume: 113, Issue: 2, Pages: 178-184
Methods and Patients Clinical angiographic and electrophysiologic data of five affected members in a family of Indian origin were evaluated Molecular genetic analysis was undertaken to assess whether the gene responsible for the phenotype in this pedigree mapped to a region previously assigned to dominantly inherited macular dystrophies including North Carolina macular dystrophyResults The fundus appearance in the proband simulated stage 3 North Carolina macular dystrophy Affected relatives had features in common with pattern dystrophy fundus flavimaculatus with a dark choroid and dominantly inherited drusen Linkage to loci assigned to a number of retinal dystrophies principally affecting the posterior pole including the North Carolina macular dystrophy locus was excluded
citation title=On the molecular genetics of retinits pigmentosa citation author=Humphries P Kenna P Farrar GJScience citation year=1992 citation volume=256 citation pages=804808
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