Journal Title
Title of Journal: J Public Health
Abbravation: Journal of Public Health
Authors: Antonia Trichopoulou Androniki Naska Eleni Oikonomou
Publish Date: 2005/02/08
Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Pages: 69-73
Household budget survey HBS data on food availability at household level as well as relevant demographic and socioeconomic characteristics are forwarded to the Greek centre coordinating the Data Food Networking DAFNE initiative Central combination and postharmonisation of the raw HBS data are undertaken according to procedures developed in the DAFNE projectThe DAFNE data on mean food availability g or ml/person per day are integrated in DafneSoft version 21 which is a software for the Microsoft Windows operating system allowing a the presentation of dietary data in various formats tables bars pie charts map presentations and at various levels of detail b the followup of trends in food availability over time within and between countries c the study of the effect of the household’s locality and of the education and occupation of the household head on the daily food choices and d the export of data for further usesThe comparability of operational measures is crucial to the meaningful interpretation of comparisons among countries This has been a key objective of the DAFNE initiative A system allowing the regular update of the DAFNE database and the expansion of the network to embrace all European countries could provide a ready source of data for monitoring public health nutrition in Europe at reasonable costThe DAFNE initiative has been supported by the following European Union projects Cooperation in Science and Technology with Central and Eastern European Countries and the COST Action 99 Food Consumption and Composition Data Agriculture and AgroIndustry including fisheries AIR Agriculture and Fisheries FAIR and the Health Monitoring Programme of DGSANCO Thanks are due to the statistical offices of all countries of the DAFNE Network for supplying their national household budget survey data and supporting documentation and for their unreserved collaboration
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