Authors: Y Ye J GarciaCasado J L MartinezdeJuan J L Ponce
Publish Date: 2007/05/30
Volume: 45, Issue: 6, Pages: 541-551
The surface electroenterogram EEnG is a noninvasive method of studying myoelectrical bowel activity However surface EEnG recordings are contaminated by cardiac activity respiratory and motion artifacts and other sources of interference The aim of this work is to remove the respiration artifact and the very low frequency components from surface EEnG by means of empirical mode decomposition EMD Eleven recording sessions were carried out on canine model Several parameters were calculated before and after the application of the method signaltointerference ratio S/I ratio and the attenuation level of the signal and of interference The results show that the S/I ratio was significantly higher after the application of the method 368 ± 554 dB vs 1045 ± 365 dB the attenuation level of signal and of interference is −049 ± 080 dB versus −726 ± 542 dB respectively Therefore EMD could be a useful aid in identifying the intestinal slow wave and in removing interferences from EEnG recordingsThe authors thank J Bertelli J L Guardiola Dr C Vila and the Veterinarian Unit of the Research Centre of ‘La Fe’ University Hospital Valencia Spain where surgical interventions and recording sessions were carried out and the R + D + I Linguistic Assistance Office at the UPV for their help in revising this paper This work was supported by the Instituto Carlos III FIS03/0432 by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia under Programa de apoyo a la investigación y el desarrollo de la UPV and by Conselleria de Universitat Educació y Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana