Authors: Cristina SuárezMejías Jose Antonio PérezCarrasco Carmen Serrano Jose Luis LópezGuerra Carlos ParraCalderón Tomás GómezCía Begoña Acha
Publish Date: 2016/04/21
Volume: 55, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-15
An innovative algorithm has been developed for the segmentation of retroperitoneal tumors in 3D radiological images This algorithm makes it possible for radiation oncologists and surgeons semiautomatically to select tumors for possible future radiation treatment and surgery It is based on continuous convex relaxation methodology the main novelty being the introduction of accumulated gradient distance with intensity and gradient information being incorporated into the segmentation process The algorithm was used to segment 26 CT image volumes The results were compared with manual contouring of the same tumors The proposed algorithm achieved 90 sensitivity 100 specificity and 84 positive predictive value obtaining a mean distance to the closest point of 320 pixels The algorithm’s dependence on the initial manual contour was also analyzed with results showing that the algorithm substantially reduced the variability of the manual segmentation carried out by different specialists The algorithm was also compared with four benchmark algorithms thresholding edgebased levelset regionbased levelset and continuous maxflow with two labels To the best of our knowledge this is the first time the segmentation of retroperitoneal tumors for radiotherapy planning has been addressedThis research was cofinanced by TEC201021619C0402 Government of Spain P11TIC7727 Regional Government of Andalusia Spain PT13/0006/0036 RETIC FEDER Funds and Department of Health Regional Government of Andalusia We would like to thank Jose Manuel Conde and María José Ortíz for their clinical contribution to the development of this algorithm