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Springer Japan

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Extracting mobile objects by sequential background

Authors: Yasuaki Sakai Makoto Miyoshi Joo Kooi Tan Seiji Ishikawa
Publish Date: 2008/12/14
Volume: 13, Issue: 1, Pages: 302-305
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This paper describes a technique for extracting moving objects from a video image sequence taken by a slowly moving camera as well as a fixed camera The background subtraction method is effective for extracting moving objects from a video But the latest background image should be employed for the subtraction in the mobile camera case and in order not to be influenced by the light intensity change A temporal median technique is proposed in this paper which detects the background at every moment The camera motion is estimated using a local correlation map and the temporal median filter is applied to the common image area among a set of successive image frames to extract the background The technique was applied to the video images obtained at a junction from a handheld camera and those taken at a pedestrians crossing by a camera fixed in a car and successfully detected pedestrians



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  9. Graphical and scalable multi-agent simulator for real-time pricing in electric power grid
  10. Single-trial analysis of voice-stimulus-evoked potentials
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  13. A novel architecture of dynamically reconfigurable fused multiply–adder for digital signal processing
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  22. Erratum to: Hyper-gourd theory: solving simultaneously the mysteries in particle physics, biology, oncology, neurology, economics, and cosmology

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