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Springer Japan

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A novel architecture of dynamically reconfigurable

Authors: Akihiko Tsukahara Akinori Kanasugi
Publish Date: 2014/09/09
Volume: 19, Issue: 3, Pages: 233-238
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Multiplyaccumulate operation is the most fundamental operation in digital signal processing for image processing robotics and automatic control In this paper a novel architecture of dynamically reconfigurable fused multiplyadder FMA is proposedDynamic reconfiguration is a method that can change the circuit configuration without stop of operation The proposed circuit provides the following four calculation modes by dynamic reconfiguration 1 complex number FMA mode 2 real number FMA mode 3 complex number parallel calculation mode and 4 real number parallel calculation mode  The data format is single precision floating point format based on IEEE754 The proposed circuit was designed using VerilogHDL It was simulated by logic circuit simulator and implemented on FPGA



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  9. Measurement system for metal-oxide gas sensors
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  11. Single-trial analysis of voice-stimulus-evoked potentials
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  13. Designing an algorithm for swarm behavior using the concept of Umwelt
  14. The modeling and implementation of tri-rotor flying robot
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  16. Emergence of observable rules in a spatial game system
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  21. Erratum to: Hyper-gourd theory: solving simultaneously the mysteries in particle physics, biology, oncology, neurology, economics, and cosmology
  22. Erratum to: Hyper-gourd theory: solving simultaneously the mysteries in particle physics, biology, oncology, neurology, economics, and cosmology

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