Authors: Maciej Galinski Izabela Stepniak
Publish Date: 2009/04/30
Volume: 39, Issue: 10, Pages: 1949-
ButylMethylMorpholinium bistrifluoromethanesulphonylimide ButMetMorTFSI and EthylMethylMorpholinum bistrifluoromethanesulphonylimide EtMetMorTFSI and their mixtures with propylene carbonate PC were investigated as potential electrolytes in an electrochemical double layer capacitor EDLC Temperature dependencies of conductivity and electrochemical stability windows of ionic liquids ILs as well as their mixtures were determined PC mixtures give higher conductivity with maximum ca 14 ILPC molar rate Temperature dependencies of conductivity follow the Arrhenius type showing higher energy activation for neat ILs rather than for mixtures The EDLC was constructed based on activated carbon cloth ACC Kynol® ca 2000 m2 g−1 and ILPC mixture giving specific capacitance of ca 100–120 F g−1