Authors: J E TerrazasRodríguez S GutiérrezGranados M A AlatorreOrdaz C Ponce de León F C Walsh
Publish Date: 2010/09/28
Volume: 41, Issue: 1, Pages: 89-97
The reduction of palladium rhodium and neodymium ions at concentrations of 094 097 and 069 mol dm−3 respectively was studied in 1 mol dm−3 HNO3 or 1 mol dm−3 HCl at a stainless steel and a vitreous carbon electrode at 25 °C At a vitreous carbon electrode in a solution containing rhodium and palladium ions in 1 mol dm−3 HCl electrolyte the reduction of metal ions occurred at a similar potential to the formation of hydrogen gas which impeded the selective separation of the two metals At a stainless steel cathode in 1 mol dm−3 HNO3 palladium deposition occurred at a potential ≈035 V less negative than that of rhodium allowing the selective recovery of palladium Neodymium ions were not electroactive in acidic chloride or nitrate media at pH 0 Using a solution obtained from a catalytic converter manufacturer containing palladium rhodium and neodymium ions in 1 mol dm−3 HNO3 palladium ions were preferentially removed at 015 V versus SHE at an average cumulative current efficiency of 57JE TerrazasRodríguez is grateful to CONACYT for his PhD scholarship 181828 The authors are grateful to K Wróbel LA García and O Fermín for ICPMS SEM analysis and contribution to the experimental work respectively D Rojas provided the industrial samples via the project FOMIX GTO2007C0269453 CONACYTGuanajuato