Authors: DaQuan Zhang XianMing He QiRui Cai LiXin Gao Gui Soon Kim
Publish Date: 2009/02/05
Volume: 39, Issue: 8, Pages: 1193-1198
Selfassembled monolayers SAMs of arginine Arg were formed on copper surface The corrosion protection properties of the Arg SAMs were examined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization techniques in 05 M HCl solution The results show that Arg SAMs have limited protection effect The protective efficiency increased with an increase of selfassembly time and reached maximum protection at 6 h When iodide ion was added to the Argcontaining solution the ability of the corrosion inhibition of the mixed SAMs improved significantly The corrosion protection mechanism of Arg SAMs is discussed based on AM1 quantumchemical calculationsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China 20776083 and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University The authors express their appreciation to the Key laboratory of Shanghai Colleges and Universities for Electric Power Corrosion Control and Applied Electrochemistry